Friday, October 10, 2008

Fall Festival in Riga

Here are some pictures of the fall festival held in Riga. If you look close you can see that their instruments are veggies.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Looks like you had the Latvian Veggie Tales Band perform for your big day! AWESOME!

Unknown said...

What are the thoughts on our election from that side of the world? I'm looking forward to this ugliness being over and hopefully for my side to win for a change!

rhonda fisher said...

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff visited Latvia last week. Lots of show. Latvia continues to be nervous of a Russia invasion. So the US is really showing Latvia they will be protected. Otherwise my sense is that the US has lost the respect of the world. The last eight years have not made the US a very popular neighbor to the world. everyone still likes the US people but not their politics.

Unknown said...

Isn't it time for an update?