This pink thing is attached to your front tire when you do not pay for parking. So far it has only happened one time to me. Once you get the boot there is a number to call and a guy comes to your car in a couple of minutes and takes the boot off. It usually costs about $5 to get it off.
Hey, Molecek!
Ashton forwarded your blog to me. I was actually asking about you!! Looks like you are friendly with lots of big shot politicians! Were they all in your part of the world? Miss your wit. Hope you are having a wonderful experience. Stay out of the emergency rooms!
Kathy Gilbert
Hey Kathy,
Latvia is great. Lots of things to see and do. I am leaving for Nice today for a workshop. I came back from Prague from a meeting. A lot different from going to Waterloo for the AEA meetings. The international life is great. Lots of things to do and you meet some interesting people. I think every superintendent should try this. The pictures were taken in Iowa not Latvia. Keep up the good fight.
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