Here is a picture I took at about 10 p.m. The sun rises at about 4 a.m. and sets at about 11:00 p.m. In the winter the sun rises at 9:00 a.m. and sets at about 5 p.m. If you like the sun visit Latvia during the summer.
Below is the entrance to the camp. They have erected this monument to serve as the entrance and a museum. As you go under the entrance you see this large open space with several statues. All of the buildings are gone but they have erected these statues honoring the site.
I visited the site of a WW II German concentration camp located in Latvia. There were 39 barracks housing mostly Latvian Jews. There were no ovens at this location but they still killed thousands by hanging. There is also a spot on the way to the camp where 25,000 Jews were executed in a field. The Nazis were walking the Jews to the camp and decided to kill them in an open field. The Nazis killed the 25,000 Jews in less than three days.