Latvia has an olympic bobsled run which is open to the public. Rhonda and I rode the soft sided bobsled. it still goes down the same track but it is slower. The hard sled went down the mile long track in 48 seconds while the soft sided sled went down in 58 seconds. There are about 3-4 G forces while you go down.
We were able to ride a camel or two while in Egypt - this one had particularly nice least it had something nice. Getting on and riding the camel isn't hard but getting off is the real challenge. The saddle had a big post in the front and back to hold on with. The camel went down to let Larry dismount, and now he can join the three tenors.
We went to Egypt for Christmas and New Years. Since Egypt is mainly a Muslim country our US citizenship didn't help us much. In fact most of the time we said we were from Canada. G.W. isn't very well liked and as soon as we said we liked Obama things seemed to go better.